When I was in college, I would frequent a local coffee shop. The same barista would always make my order and began to recognize me when I came in. It got to the point where every time I walked in, I’d have a coffee waiting for me. I’d get a greeting when walking in and a “See ya, Dave!” after leaving, along with the casual conversation if it wasn’t busy. My then girlfriend (now wife) wanted to grab a coffee, so naturally, I took her to my favorite spot. The same barista was there and I couldn’t help but notice she seemed confused. At first, I thought the initial shock was due to the fact that I actually brought another person with me instead of coming alone, but it turns out that the barista was my wife’s sister!

After the initial confusion and talks about how small the world is, we had no choice but to laugh at the situation. I had been frequenting this coffee shop for the past 3 years and all I could say to my wife was, “I had no idea that I’ve known your sister for years longer than I’ve known you.”

I didn’t know what she’d say, but her response was maybe the best part of this situation.

“That’s Milwaukee for ya.”